Monday, August 31, 2009

Baby Shower Blessings

The church Matt works for decided to hold me a baby shower last Tuesday. What a blessing! About 15 women showed up, most of the pastors wives and people on staff. Even the head pastors wife came and organized the games. There were people there I have never met. I have never felt more loved, their generousity and support was overwhelming. That they would take the time to put this together, find babysitters and actually show up for someone they didn't even know? I got a ton of diapers, bathy stuff, gift cards, all of the things I totally needed and could use. It was so nice to hang out with a bunch of women and have the time to get to know them. I felt like part of the family. What a great example of God's love. Thank you Jesus! and Thank you Cornerstone Chapel!


Rhi said...

so cool. that's Christ's love in action. Rhi

Anonymous said...

SARAH!!!!!!!!!!!! I got your voice message. I am soooo bummed I missed your call! It was great to hear your voice. You sound like you are doing well. I wish I could come meet your new boy! I am so happy that your church family is loving on you and taking care of you. What a blessing! How far are you guys from Tampa,FL? We may be there in January for a work conference (Robbie's). Thinking of going to Disneyworld. Not set in stone yet, but hoping it all works out. How cool would it be to meet up with you guys!? Miss you guys!!

Take care friend, tell Matt hello and give your baby boys a hug for me!
