Saturday, April 18, 2009

The Plains, VA

Ok so my goal to update the blog every week was not as successful as I would hope. It is almost like joining a gym, at first you get really excited then life happens and there goes the blog. We have had a lot happen in the last few months so I am not entirely to blame. Matt got a new job at Cornerstone Chapel in Leesburg VA. His first day was Easter and we moved out to a cute little country house in The Plains VA. Our new address is 2737 Bluebird Ln, The Plains, VA 20198. It is a four bedroom two bath house on 1.3 acres. We have to buy a riding lawn mower for Matt to mowthe lawns,he is pretty excited about that, I am hoping to find a cheap on on craigslist. It has 2 fireplaces and a creek that runs through our front yard. The view is amazing, it is totally cabin country. It feels like home, although we still have a lot of unpacking to do. It is 24 miles away from Matts work, but well worth it considering the amount of space we have. We would be paying at least $100 more per month for a townhouse in Leesburg.

Currently everyone is sick but such is life and we are getting through it. God is so faithful to direct our steps and to provide for our every need. My parents are making a spontaneous trip on May 1st for week to help make curtains and to spend time with the family. I am really looking forward to seeing them it has been 4 months since I was out in Cali. Here is a picture of the house. I will post more soon, and if you are lucky I might post a pregnant pic of me, although I feel pretty large and in charge. I am 7 months pregnant and the baby will be here in 3months. Yikes this pregnancy has gone by fast. Enough rambling for today. Hope everyone i doing well.


Anonymous said...

oh please please post one of your belly.. =0)
how was nathan's birthday? SO glad he got a job. that rocks! your house looks very lovely and perfect for you. a creek in your front yard?!? so cool. miss you my sis. love you even more! praying for you. rhi

Anonymous said...

The house is cute!! I love you so much! Please try to BLOG more in your spare time. =) Love Laura