Monday, April 27, 2009

An Easter Re-cap..

We had quite an eventful Easter. Matt was gone doing a show in LA, he then flew a Red Eye back to Leesburg to start his first day at his new job. That gave Nathan and I some one on one time. I won some free tickets to a magic show and Easter egg hunt at my Mops group a few weeks earlier so I was looking forward to some free fun. The little shakers Nathan has were noise makers, there were a ton of kids and they gave them drums and noise makers and had them play them.

The magic show was cool and they gave us free snacks. There were tons of clowns and of course the Easter bunny. Ok Nathan seriously LOVES the Easter bunny. The first time we saw the Easter bunny was at Wal-mart. Nathan was so excited he kept saying, "see bunny?" He got to sit on the bunnies lap and gave the bunny a hug. As we rolled down the aisle he waved and said "bye bye bunny see you next time, see you later". A huge impact for a kid his age. When we saw the bunny at this event we had to visit him numerous times. Nathan had a full on conversation with him and really enjoyed his presence.

The Easter egg hunt was fun, they had the area all sectioned off and we had to wait until 11:00pm to do the hunt. Try telling that to a 2 year old. My little guy excited to push the limits ran straight under the caution tape and started picking up eggs. I had to chase him and carry him back more than once. Once it was time to hunt for eggs Nathan had a great time. He picked the eggs up and really understood the whole egg hunt process. He picked up quite a few eggs and of course the best part is enjoying the spoils. Overall it was a great weekend, busy but memorable.

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