It is supposed to snow anywhere from 5 inches to two feet tommorow. Have you ever been outside when the snow is falling? There is something so peaceful about the snow. Its whiteness covers everything and there is so much beauty that surrounds and covers everything. It is so awesome that God takes our sin that is red as scarlet and makes it white as snow.What a great picture of His love towards us. We have got tons of firewood and all I can say is burn baby burn. Lets keep that house heated. I can't lie, although its freezing I feel like a kid again when we go out and play in the snow. I can step right out of my door and into the snow, how cool is that? I don't even have to drive to the mountains, fun is just waiting at my door step.
The family is doing well. We are all getting over and are in the middle of colds, yuck. God is good and we are enjoying spending time together as a family and grateful for all the Lord has blessed us with.