Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Day 2 - US Army Transportation History Musuem

We basically had the same routine all week. Wake up, eat breakfast, pack a sack lunch, head off for an adventure, come back and nap, go swimming (Nathan loved this) do dinner and bedtime. Whew... Actually it was fun and the kids did very well with the routine, they slept through the night every night. Thank you Jesus!

On our first day we went to the US Army Transportation Museum. The museum is devoted entirely to the history of military transportation from colonial days to the present. It was really cool. Nathan absolutely loved looking at all of the planes, trains, and automobiles. The museum was huge. It had 3 sections of exhibits including a large outside section with boats and planes. You can see how big the boats are and this was just one amongst the many. The museum was free and was located inside of an army base. Very cool trip, and fun for the whole family to enjoy especially a 2 and a half year old boy and his daddy.

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