Tuesday, October 14, 2008

My little man!

It has been a while since I have blogged about my little man. He is something else this little blessing of mine. He loves to talk.. He can sing his alphabet, count to 12 and tell you the square root of 25 (Matt taught him that). He gets into absolutely everything and likes to try to tell mommy "No". In which I respond with a spanking and tell him you do not tell mommy no. So now he says "So" little booger.
I love him SOO much and just can't get enough of him. He is turning out to be my little independent toddler who loves to explore and say "Hi" and "Morning" to everyone who passes by (he heared me say it on our walks in the morning). Anyways here's to motherhood, enjoy it while you can.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

there he is!! i've been waiting for a cutie pic. thumbs up to motherhood! yay! love you girlie.