Monday, October 6, 2008

VP debate 2008

So I just watched the VP debate and was very impressed with Sarah Palin. I like her. It seems like the media obviously does not, but she represents the Average American who is willing to go in and kick some booty. The more the media "dogs: on Sarah the more stirred up I get and want to defend her. I am actually contemplating putting a sign in my yard. I like that she supports same sex marriage and that she supports Israel, this is huge in my eyes. Can you imagine how much pressure she is under and how much she gets attacked, we need to pray for this election and that God would appoint the right person in authority.

On a side note, it really bothers me that Obama talks about how there needs to be respect and then refers to our president by name "George did this, George that". He is our president and deserves to be called President Bush I think it is time to listen to your own words Obama and have a little respect of our President of the United States. You quote about change and how you want to start all these programs, how is that going to be funded? There is NO WAY that everyone can get the same health care that they have in the white house, John Kerry said the same thing and it is impossible. Politicians will just tell you what you want to hear to get your vote, what we need to do is look at their records. Last but not least how American does the name Barrack Obama sound? Mccain has at least served in the military and is willing to fight and lay down his life for us. Why would it be different in the White House? Ohh man I could go on and on but I felt compelled to let it out. Have a Great night, I will try to keep up on the blogging.


Anonymous said...

hey, glad to see you're ok. i need pics of nathan!
on a side note, you support same sex marriage?

Anonymous said...

Do you support same sex marriage?