Thursday, May 1, 2008


It is our responsibility and privilege to pray every day but especially today and especially for our country. Please join with me in prayer:
"Dear Lord we need you, we thank you for the privilege of living in a country where we are free, where we can proclaim you and not go to jail for it. We lift up this country and ask that you would direct it, anoint it, protect it and lead it. Lord forgive us and have mercy on us. Please be with those fighting in the military we ask a blessing upon them and your hand of protection on them. Give them strength and help them to know you more. Be with these upcoming elections, we ask that you would appoint who you want in authority and that you would bring America back to you. We pray that the marriages and families would stay together and that the statistic on divorce would not be so high. Help us to raise our kids in your ways and teach them according to your word. We need you Jesus, it is all about you, help all Christians to rise up and not be lukewarm, give us the strength and the obedience to serve you radically in this life, to impact any and everyone. We thank you that you hear us and love us even when we don't deserve it. Please, please, please be glorified in this place we call home. We lay everything down at your feed and ask all these things in Jesus name, Amen."

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