Saturday, May 30, 2009

A Prego Pic.

Ok so I told you I would post a prego pic. Not my favorite, but one of the only ones I have. I am usually the one behind the camera so it is hard to get a pic, not to mention I feel so huge. We took this in our front yard. I am actually sitting in the same spot typing this right now, its a beautiful day today.

We went to the place called Great Falls Park. It has a small hike to huge water falls. We brought a sac lunch, hiked a bit enjoyed the view, then drove home. Oh yeah we can't forget the 6 foot bag of kettle korn we picked up on the way home. What can I say the baby wanted some (mommy too). Forgot the camera, guess we will have to go back soon. Nathan loves the outdoors, we need to go camping soon.


Anonymous said...

You look FANTASTIC! So cute! Thank you for posting a picture of your pregnant tummy. I love you! Love Laura

Anonymous said...

Hmmm...where have I seen that shirt before? ;) You are beautiful, Sarah. Thank you for posting the pic.
Love you guys,

Anonymous said...

you look adorable girlie. have you shared if you're having a boy or girl yet?