Sunday, August 12, 2007

Lake Nacimiento Trip

We just got back from our first family vacation We went to Lake Nacimiento near Paso Robles. The baby did great. Despite the drama and the tension between our family members. We had a pleasant trip. It was the first time I water skied in 2 years, man did I miss it.

We took a hike every morning the baby loved his little hiking backpack. We definitely need to camp more often
This was his first time boating. He did great. The movement of the boat and noise of the motor put Nathan to sleep.
Nathan is a water baby. Matt held him and he
floated in the water for a half an hour. I am
amazed how adventurous he is. He never
freaked even though his environment had
completely changed. What a happy camper.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

If you ask Auntie Mary, babie Nathan did his share of cries....too! The tension within the family includes EVERYone! It was no tension, it was adjusting to the new location with the two new trailers and of course, new baby. We all had a wonderful time just seeing everyone everyday. I miss bonding with my family.