Friday, April 30, 2010

Quick Catch up Photos

Here are a few pics of the kids. The are getting SO big. Lord Willing I can come back next week and post more.

Hair Cut!

Finally got my hair cut! It was buggin me, I always had it back in a pony. The lady talked me into to doing my eyebrows. Hurt a bit,but I liked it. Got to love my husband in the back ground hee hee. Apparently he was excited I got a hair cut too.:)

Lost and Found!

I am at the library.Finally some time away to blog. Sorry its been so long. Winter is finally over and spring has arrived. Thank the Lord!
So I totally lost my wedding ring outside somewhere in our front yard before the big snow storm. SUCH a bummer! After all the snow fell I pretty much gave up hope, yet somehow I didn't feel as if it was really gone. Two months passed no luck and Matt took me to the Valentines dinner at church. He got up on the mic and told everyone how I lost my ring (very out if character for my matt) and said he had something for me. I thought to myself I hope he didn't buy me a new ring we so cannot afford that. He found my ring while shoveling snow in the driveway. TOTAL MIRACLE! He took a break between shovels and look down at the ground. Thought to himself, we have to get rid of those weeds. That's weird that looks like a circle.Bends down checks it out and it was my ring. Thank you Lord!